Uncle Stability Unagi Buffer exchange Honeybun Viscosity Lunatic Quantification Stunner Quantification & sizing Big Tuna Plate-based buffer exchange
Stunner AAV titer & full/empty Unagi Viral vector clean up & concentration Uncle AAV genome ejection Lunatic Nucleic acid quant Leprechaun Lentivirus & EV characterization Big Tuna Plate-based clean up & concentration
Sunscreen Automated formulation screening Stunner Sizing, concentration & payload quantification Sunshine Formulation optimization & scale-up Unagi Organic removal & buffer exchange Big Tuna Pilate-based organic removal & buffer exchange Sunbather GMP production
Big Tuna Plate-based buffer exchange Junior Configurable benchtop automation Big Kahuna Configurable end-to-end workflow solution
Uncle Stability Unagi Buffer exchange Honeybun Viscosity Lunatic Quantification Stunner Quantification & sizing Big Tuna Plate-based buffer exchange
Stunner AAV titer & full/empty Unagi Viral vector clean up & concentration Uncle AAV genome ejection Lunatic Nucleic acid quant Leprechaun Lentivirus & EV characterization Big Tuna Plate-based clean up & concentration
Sunscreen Automated formulation screening Stunner Sizing, concentration & payload quantification Sunshine Formulation optimization & scale-up Unagi Organic removal & buffer exchange Big Tuna Pilate-based organic removal & buffer exchange Sunbather GMP production
Big Tuna Plate-based buffer exchange Junior Configurable benchtop automation Big Kahuna Configurable end-to-end workflow solution
Flexible nanoparticle development: process optimization & scale-up of a wide range of synthetic nanomedicines with Sunshine