動的光散乱 (DLS)
Unchained Labsには、問題解決のための究極のDLS装置、StunnerとAuntyがあります。StunnerとAuntyは、どちらも微量のサンプルで稼働できますが、各装置にそれぞれの特長があります。濃度とサイズをすばやく測定したければStunnerを、サンプルの安定性の全体像を把握したければ、Auntyがそれぞれの目的に適したプラットフォームです。
Figure 1. Light scattering intensity changes differently over time for different sized particles.
Figure 2. Correlation functions for proteins of two different sizes.
DLS分析の2番目の方法は、DLSデータのライブラリを利用して測定データを再現し、サンプルの粒度分布を把握します(図3)。これらの分析方法はいずれも、DLSによる粒子径分析の最新のISO規格ISO 22412:2017に準拠しています。
Unchained Labs 動的光散乱装置の機能:
- 1サンプルあたり1分未満で、正確で再現性のあるサイジングデータを獲得
- 微量サンプル量と低濃度という便利な組み合わせでデータを獲得
- サンプル全体の平均粒子径
- 複数のピークが検出された場合の粒度分布
- 従来のSEC分析では困難なサイズの凝集体から希少な凝集体まで、高感度で検出可能
- 0.3~1000nmのサイズ測定
- リゾチームでは0.1mg/mLまで、大きなタンパク質の場合は低濃度まで測定可能
Stunnerは、UV/Visと回転角動的光散乱測定を同じサンプルから同時に行える唯一のシステムです。これらのテクニックを組み合わせることで、濃度、流体力学的サイズ、多分散性、凝集体の検出を、わずか2 µLのサンプルで一度に行うことができます。また、濃度測定は2%以内の正確性と1%以内の精度で正確に行うことができます。
Frequently Asked Questions
Two Unchained Labs instruments measure light scattering. Uncle uses both static and dynamic light scattering (SLS and DLS) to get you sample stability over time or in a temperature gradient. SLS monitors aggregation (as the average molar mass of the analyte), DLS keeps an eye on the hydrodynamic size.
The second instrument that measures light scattering is Stunner - as rotational angle dynamic light scattering (RADLS): this evolution of single angle DLS is incredibly accurate and precise and keeps tabs on any aggregate present in your sample. Stunner also reports SLS at these angles and gives you the molar mass via the Raleigh ratio.
In order to measure dynamic light scattering, you look at light scattered over a time interval. The molecules and particles in solution are excited by a laser which causes them to scatter light. As the analytes constantly move around (due to Brownian motion), the light scattered in a certain direction interferes constructively or destructively and the net intensity fluctuates over time – the larger the analyte, the slower the fluctuation.
By analyzing the fluctuation through autocorrelation analysis, we can determine the translational diffusion coefficient of the particle which can then be converted to hydrodynamic size using the Stokes-Einstein equation.
A second datapoint from a DLS experiment is the polydispersity of the sample, this is a measure of its homogeneity and a metric of the spread of sizes present within the sample.
In a DLS experiment the fluctuation of light scattered at a discrete angle over time is measured by a photon counting module. A correlator coverts fluctuations over time to information about translational diffusion properties which can, with knowledge of temperature of measurement and viscosity of solution, be converted to hydrodynamic size.
Depending on the type of analysis, a DLS experiment results in the z-average size and polydispersity or a distribution of sizes and their polydispersity.
Both dynamic light scattering (DLS) and small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) measure scattering of electromagnetic radiation by an analyte. The incident beam excites electrons in the analyte and they emit the scattered light upon return to ground state.
The X-rays in a SAXS measurement are more energetic and this experiment can yield size and information on the internal structure of the analyte.
As DLS uses visible light to yield information about size and homogeneity, it requires a laser as the source of excitation and not an X-ray source.
Static light scattering (SLS) measures the total intensity of light scattered at a certain angle. This intensity, with knowledge of concentration and refractive index of the analyte, can be used to determine molar masses. Monitoring SLS over time or a temperature gradient lets you spot aggregation as it occurs.
Dynamic light scattering (DLS) measures the fluctuations of light scattering intensity over time. This gives access to the translational diffusion of the analyte, which can be converted to hydrodynamic size and polydispersity.
Though similar in name, SLS and DLS measure different properties of analytes and are orthogonal techniques.